Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's alive!!

I remembered this blog for some reason today. After asking Google for my password, I came in and was amazed to see that at least one person read my December post and actually left a comment! Thanks to the Heifer Intl. guy for popping in. FYI incase you come back, I got my most recent news letter from you folks and will be sending a couple of bucks your way soon. Sure wish I had known about them years ago...I so would have signed on to learn to become a HI worker.

Hindsight being what it is and all...

We are freezing once again here. Our 'taste' of spring was short lived and the plants that popped their little buds out are now being frozen off. Hopefully it won't totally wipe out the majority of my blooms and blossems. I love and own many hosta's and I don't worry too much about them since they tend to be quite hardy once established. The tulips and hyacinth are wilted but we did get to enjoy some spring color for about a week before the cold moved back in.

We have a new family member. He's a pup..and a real hoot. Sadly, his first experience in learning how to clear the baby gate in the doorway went awry, and he caught his foot in it and broke his tibia. Having a puppy in a cast and trying to keep it quiet is like nailing a two year old, hyper active child made of jello to a tree. It's been a week..and we have at least 5 more to go before we will know if he's all healed up. In the meantime, I am exhausted.
There is good reason to raise children and puppies while you yourself are young. It takes a lot of time and energy and I am showing about a quarter tank on my fuel guage. Gawd!

Easter is on it's way, and this year like the last one...will be quiet. No big dinner to go to as family is either a considerable drive away, or they have moved on in their own circle. We lost our last 'elder' three years ago, and it seems that I and my siblings have drifted apart. I pretty much knew that would be the case, and while I did try to keep things together, eventually even I have come to the conclusion that things happen for a reason. We have our health and I am thankful for that. We'll be dining out at a brunch in a local restaraunt and that's fine too. I miss the family get together's, but not having to do dishes and clean up after a plethera of folk isn't breaking my heart in the least! :-)

Enjoy the holiday.

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