Thursday, August 9, 2007

HELL yes!!

Marine's Charges Dropped in Iraq Deaths

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A general dropped all charges Thursday against a Marine who had been accused of killing three Iraqi brothers in response to a roadside bomb attack in Haditha in 2005.
"The evidence does not support a referral to a court-martial," Lt. Gen. James Mattis wrote in his written decision.
Lance Cpl. Justin L. Sharratt, 22, had been charged with the murder in the deaths of three of those killed after the bomb attack Nov. 19, 2005.
The decision to drop the charges followed an earlier recommendation from a hearing officer who listened to evidence in the case. Under military law, a commanding general has total jurisdiction over a case.
In his recommendation, Lt. Col. Paul Ware said murder charges brought against Sharratt were based on unreliable witness accounts, poor forensic evidence and questionable legal theories.
"The government version is unsupported by independent evidence," Ware wrote in an 18-page report. "To believe the government version of facts is to disregard clear and convincing evidence to the contrary."

This young Marine's career is ruined. And it's all because of a bunch of BS charges, which they now...after all this time, have said are not sufficient to even hold him, much less charge him. I'm learning more and more about the Corps as time goes on. Yeah, there are still good eggs in the bunch, but it sure seems that the Peter Principal is running the show. If you aren't familiar with it, that is when those who are not worthy or qualified, get continually upgraded just to move them on down the line. In this case, 9 Marines have been accused of war time atrocities that did not happen. Families have mortgaged houses two and sometimes three times to pay attorney's bills. Some have lost their homes altogether and their careers are in the crapper.

This is an absolute outrage. I can introduce you to any number of active duty Marines who are still over there who tell you it is common practice for Iraqi's to lie like stinking dogs in hopes of being given some settlement money. This is a perfect example of the fallout.

Hang in there Lcpl. I know from hearing from your parents and the parents of others how this has crushed your spirit. The brotherhood has hung you all out to dry like so many scapegoats and it's hella wrong.

I hope and pray the others are cleared soon. And, I hope there is one decent Marine out there who will follow this cluster*uck back down the line and bring to trial those who instigated this farce.

Carry on!

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