Thursday, July 12, 2007

Because I can

I am so glad to be in the digital age of photography. No more waiting for the processing to get done and shelling out hard earned cash for half assed photos, of which I own a LOT! Almost anyone can take a good pic with a digital camera, and of course, being able to just erase the ones that didn't work is priceless! So, because I can, I'm going to post some recent pics taken. I like them. That's all that matters. Why I can't get them to post below my text is beyond me at this point in time. Oh well...

Enjoy the day!


Susan said...

Wow once again Awesome pic's the sand photo is so peaceful and untouched!! thanks for sharing and always great site


The Yogurt Fork said...

thanks Susie. You're my one and only visitor to date! I do appreciate it. Oh, and that is the snow cover on our front porch from one of last winter's wicked storms. I loved the swirl in it.